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In San Francisco, janitors and other workers support A.B. 450, a bill to protect workers during immigration raids and enforcement actions. (Photo by David Bacon)

How Unions Help Immigrants Resist Deportations

On February 6, community activists from Faith in the Valley held a rally outside the Bee Sweet packing shed. Stan Santos, a member of Communications Workers of America Local 9408, represented the local labor council in supporting the workers, who have no union. “People are very scared,” he charges. “Since ICE has all the records, they know where people live. Some workers are afraid they'll be visited at home.”

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Faith in Kern leaders hold a nightly DACA rally outside local McCarthy, Valadao offices for Lent

Faith in Kern Leaders Lead Nightly DACA Rallies Outside Local McCarthy, Valadao Offices for Lent

The 40 days of lent have begun and here in Bakersfield, that means 40 days of protests. The people behind the demonstrations said they're giving up a little bit of their time for lent in hopes of getting permanent protections for children brought to the country illegally. Faith in the Valley Kern is a network of churches and congragations and you'll see them fighting for DACA recipients outside local congressional offices until Easter Sunday.

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People, residents, community leaders and local elected officials from the San Joaquin Valley, gathered during the ‘Equity on the Mall’ rally in Sacramento

Faith in the Valley Executive Director Among Valley Leaders Making Themselves Heard at Equity on the Mall Day of Action

According to Sierra Health Foundation, one in three children in the Valley lives in poverty, and in some counties nearly half of all children live in neighborhoods with high poverty rates. “Our policymakers cannot solve the problem of inequity in the state between race, income and health, or help the state truly be the Golden State, unless we examine and confront the complex issues that continue to plague the San Joaquin Valley,” said Pastor Trena Turner, Executive Director, Faith in the Valley.

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