Our people are being asked to produce proof of citizenship, and it seems as if the request is based on how they look and how they speak. It is an insult to human dignity, and it is simply wrong.

FITV Youth Leader Among 2024 Wendy Wayne Ethics Award Winners
Congratulations to Abby Rodela, one of our youth leaders in Kern County, who recently received the 2024 Wendy Wayne Ethics Youth Award.
In a world craving positive change and ethical leadership, this award is a testament to Abby’s unwavering commitment to community and ethical action.
Housed at Cal State Bakersfield, the Kegley Institute of Ethics serves as a go-to spot in the Central Valley for diving into the big questions about how we should live and act in the world.
The awards celebrate adults and youth alike who, through their ethical actions and commitment, significantly uplift their communities.
In her role as a volunteer for the Kern County chapter of Faith in the Valley, Abby has been focused on bolstering the spirits and improving the lives of people in Taft and its neighboring rural communities. She has offered piano lessons to migrant children and spearheaded outreach efforts encouraging participation in our workshops.
Her achievements include organizing a town hall to discuss the renovation of Ford City Park, a move that brought together more than 200 members of the community.
Abby’s efforts demonstrate a unique ability to not just envision change but to mobilize action toward making change a reality.
Beyond local community work, Abby has made significant strides in education and dialogue through her involvement in Cal State Bakersfield’s Philosophy for Children program. There, she has worked tirelessly to bring critical thinking and collaborative learning opportunities to children, setting the stage for a more thoughtful, questioning future generation.
In her reflections on the award, Abby tied her achievements to her cultural heritage, emphasizing the profound sense of comunidad—community ethics—that guides her.
“Receiving this award is a humbling and honorable moment for me because, when I receive this award, I am acknowledging that my people and comunidad are integral aspects of who I am,” she said in an interview. “And it is my firm belief that they are receiving this award with me.”