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Faith in the Valley and partners call for a permanent Child Tax Credit and a Guaranteed Income Pilot

What We’re Doing to Push for a Permanent Child Tax Credit and Guaranteed Income

As part of a statewide coalition, our partners joined us to hold a press conference in Fresno highlighting the arrival of the Biden Administration’s temporary Child Tax Credit and calling on elected representatives to make the benefit permanent.

The tax credit will keep families afloat and cut child poverty in half, demonstrating the need for an income floor for all Americans. We are part of a growing coalition in Fresno working to bring the city its own guaranteed income pilot following the nation’s first mayor-led guaranteed income demonstration in Stockton.

In July, California legislators voted unanimously to become the first state in the nation to fund a guaranteed income plan. They allocated $35 million for local organizations and jurisdictions to apply for resources to provide a basic income to individuals aging out of the foster care system and qualifying pregnant people.

Guaranteed income aims to reduce poverty and financially empower individuals, families and communities with consistent and unconditional cash payments.

For more information about the coalition working to make the Child Tax Credit permanent, go to

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